EZ-Magna ChIP® A/G Chromatin Immunoprecipitation Kit

产品编号:17-10086 品牌:Sigma-Aldrich 运输条件:-20°C
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17-10086 22 assays ¥8306.00 请登录 现货
产品描述 Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) is a powerful technique for mapping the in vivo distribution of proteins associated with chromosomal DNA. These proteins can be histone subunits and post-translational modifications or other chromatin associated proteins such as transcription factors, chromatin regulators, etc. Additionally, ChIP can be used to identify regions of the genome associated with these proteins, or conversely, to identify proteins associated with a particular region of the genome. ChIP methodology often involves protein-DNA and protein-protein cross-linking, fragmentation of the cross-linked chromatin, and subsequent immunoprecipitation of chromatin with an antibody specific to a target protein. The DNA fragments isolated in complex with the target protein can be identified by a variety of methods including PCR, DNA microarray and DNA sequencing. Standard or quantitative PCR can be performed to verify whether a particular DNA sequence (the gene or region of the genome) is
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