EZ-Magna ChIP® HiSens Chromatin Immunoprecipitation Kit
产品描述 |
The EZ-Magna HiSens ChIP kit provides a complete set of validated, quality controlled reagents, and a detailed protocol to enable ChIP from a wide range of input amounts of chromatin obtained from either cells or tissues. Our specialized blend of protein A/G blend of magnetic beads is specifically produced for chromatin immunoprecipiptation and enables the use of a broader range of antibodies than protein A or G alone eliminating the need to purchase different kits for different antibody isotypes. The SCW Buffer is unique to the Magna ChIP HiSens kit and enables the use of a single buffer for multiple steps of the ChIP process (sonication, chromatin immunoprecipitation, and wash). The ChIP elution buffer provided with the HiSens kit has been formulated to allow analysis of enrichment by qPCR without additional clean-up steps for more rapid results. |
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